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Relationship between Chief Executive Officer characteristics and corporate environmental informationdisclosure in Thailand

Dayuan LI, Aiqi LIN, Lu ZHANG

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2019年 第6卷 第4期   页码 564-574 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0067-7

摘要: This study focuses on the influence of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) characteristics on environmental information disclosure (EID) in the annual reports of companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. A regression analysis method is used to explore the relationship between CEO characteristics and corporate environmental disclosure. Pollution-intensive companies are taken as the samples in this study. Results show that financial expertise, educational level, and tenure of CEOs are positively correlated with corporate EID. By contrast, age or gender of CEOs is insignificantly related to EID.

关键词: CEO characteristics     environmental information disclosure     Thailand    

Overview of research on carbon information disclosure

Yue-Jun ZHANG, Jing-Yue LIU

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第1期   页码 47-62 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0089-1

摘要: Against the background of addressing global climate change and carbon emission reduction, corporate carbon information disclosure (CID) has become an important measure to achieve carbon emission reduction worldwide and a research hotspot closely investigated by the academia. This study provides a systematic overview of literature on CID, including its research trend, theoretical basis, disclosing features, influencing factors, and consequences. Results indicate that, first, CID has been increasing in recent years, but the content and quality of the disclosure still need to be improved. Second, the main influencing factors of CID include company features, corporate governance, environmental performance, institutional characteristics, and stakeholders. Third, the consequences of CID are based mainly on company performance, ecological environment, and investors’ decision-making. Lastly, most studies have confirmed the positive effect of CID on company performance and investors’ decision-making, but the nexus of environmental performance and corporate CID remains to be investigated. Several important future research directions are also proposed based on these results.

关键词: climate change     carbon emissions reduction     carbon information disclosure     green development    

Spatial distribution of ecological security status assessment of West-Liaohe River based on geographic information

WANG Geng, WU Wei

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2007年 第1卷 第4期   页码 471-476 doi: 10.1007/s11783-007-0075-4

摘要: Eco-security assessment is a hot research area in resource and environmental science, which involves data with much spatial, non-linear, and random features. Geographic information system (GIS), as a useful tool to analyze and mana

关键词: environmental     Eco-security assessment     resource     Geographic information     non-linear    


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第10卷 第1期   页码 95-108 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2022478


● Consumer preference for environmentally-friendly beverage packaging was investigated.

关键词: China     consumer preference     food and beverage packaging     green identity label     information treatment     plastics    


曹宏斌, 李爱民, 赵赫, 李庭刚, 张笛, 朱利中

《中国工程科学》 2022年 第24卷 第5期   页码 137-144 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2022.05.016


自2018 年1 月1 日新修订的《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》正式施行以来,工业水污染防治措施条款总体执行良好,全国工业水污染防治相关政策措施与设施建设已取得显著进展与成效。国家及相关部门高度重视、各省市积极响应,发布相关政策法规等60 余项;各级部门继续淘汰落后产能,积极推进企业清洁生产,完成了1400 余项工业集聚区污水集中处理设施建设,支撑水污染防治工程举措落地。此外,通过调研评估发现,在部分法律条款执行和工业系统性水污染防治等方面仍然存在落实进展缓慢的情况,存在条款间地区、行业落实不平衡,污染超标排放时有发生,支撑新的国家/地方污水排放标准的监管能力不足等问题。建议以清洁生产为核心抓手,全过程综合控制工业水污染,同时优化调整排水指标,进一步推进环境信息公开,为水污染防治攻坚战和生态文明建设目标任务的完成提供支撑。

关键词: 水污染防治;工业水污染;防治措施;工程举措;清洁生产;信息公开    

出行者信息服务App对城市大气环境质量的效益评估 Article

黄文柯, 胡明伟

《工程(英文)》 2018年 第4卷 第2期   页码 224-229 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2018.03.003


随着车辆保有量和年均行驶里程的快速增长,中国大城市的机动车尾气排放问题愈发严峻。本文研究了出行者信息服务App(尤其是导航类App)在改善整个交通网络运行效率的同时,是否能降低尾气排放。出行者信息服务App 提供的实时交通信息,不仅可以帮助出行者躲避拥堵,还会对出行者的出发时间、出行方式等造成影响。这种个体行为的变化,是否有利于提升城市的整体空气质量?以及可以在多大程度上降低机动车的尾气排放?我们试图揭示导航类App 提供的实时交通信息对城市空气质量的影响,研究成果可为城市交通政策和环境政策的制定提供参考。

关键词: 实时交通信息     移动终端     环境效益     智能体建模    

“互联网 +”智慧环保技术发展研究

刘锐, 刘文清, 谢涛, 杨婧文, 席春秀, 姚逸斐, 韦维

《中国工程科学》 2020年 第22卷 第4期   页码 86-92 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.04.009


“互联网 +”智慧环保将互联网创新成果与生态环境保护进行深度融合,在推动生态环境领域技术进步的同时,对全面提高生态环境保护综合决策、监管和公共服务水平,加快环境管理方式和工作方式转变具有重要意义。本文从“互联网 +”智慧环保的发展需求出发,梳理了生态环境信息采集、传输、管理和决策方面的技术现状并凝练发展面临的问题,针对性提出了“互联网 +”智慧环保总体架构,具体阐述了精准治气、系统治水、生态监管、资源交易4个典型方向应用。研究建议,在技术层面发展多源生态环境监测、数据深度挖掘分析、多业务协同建模,在应用层面注重环保数据开放共享的政策推动,在产业层面培育以环境信息服务为代表的新兴业态。

关键词: 互联网 +     智慧环保     应用方向     环境信息服务业    

环境信息系统——为水管理数字化(Water 4.0)铺平道路

Olaf Kolditz, Karsten Rink, Erik Nixdorf, Thomas Fischer, Lars Bilke, Dmitri Naumov, Zhenliang Liao, Tianxiang Yue

《工程(英文)》 2019年 第5卷 第5期   页码 828-832 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2019.08.002

An overview of the environmental finance policies in China: retrofitting an integrated mechanism forenvironmental management

LI Wei,HU Mengze

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2014年 第8卷 第3期   页码 316-328 doi: 10.1007/s11783-014-0625-5

摘要: Considering the significant roles of the policies in developing environmental finance, an overview is conducted on the environmental finance policies (EFPs) in China. This paper analyzed the definition, scope, evolution and main instruments of EFPs. The implementation progress of financial activities on each instrument are investigated respectively. Then the experiences learned from and failures discovered in the development of the EFPs are discussed well recommendations for further improvement of the EFPs and their implementation are provided. Our study found that the EFPs have been established in China after a four-phase evolution since the early 1980s. The policies have played a critical role in leading to a rapid development in environmental finance by involving more financial instruments to accomplish the objective-led environmental plans. Driven by the policies, the new green credit (GC), green security (GS), and green insurance (GI) instruments have been phased in as supplements to the conventional command and control approaches to improve the environmental governance of financial activities and pollution sources. However, the market mechanism of financial institution is limited due to their defensive and incapable performance on implementation some of EFP instruments. To further strengthen the effectiveness of EFPs in facilitating environmental management, recommendations are made mainly on the aspects including developing more specific policy guidelines, enhancing information sharing and disclosure, providing sufficient economic incentives, establishing environmental liabilities with financial activities, and involving issues related to climate change, and biodiversity and ecosystem service.

关键词: environmental finance policy     integrated mechanism     phased evolution     implementation progress     financial institution     environmental management    

Framework based on building information modeling, mixed reality, and a cloud platform to support information

Berardo NATICCHIA, Alessandra CORNELI, Alessandro CARBONARI

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第1期   页码 131-141 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0071-y

摘要: The quality of information flow management has a remarkable effect on the entire life cycle of buildings. Manual retrieval of technical specifications and features of building components and their performance assessment leads to increased cost and time and efficiency reduction, especially during the facility management (FM) stage. The introduction of building information modeling (BIM) in the construction industry can provide a valuable means of improving the organization and exchange of information. BIM tools integrate multiple levels of information within a single digital model of a building. Nevertheless, the support given by BIM to FM is far from being fully effective. Technicians can benefit from real-time communication with the data repository whenever the need for gathering contextual information and/or updating any data in the digital model arises. The framework proposed in this study aims to develop a system that supports on-site operations. Information requirements have been determined from the analyses of procedures that are usually implemented in the building life cycle. These studies set the standard for the development of a digital model of a building, which will be shared among various actors in charge of FM and accessed via a cloud platform. Moreover, mixed reality is proposed to support specific information that is relevant to geometric features and procedures to be followed by operators. This article presents three use-cases supported by the proposed framework. In addition, this research article describes the first proof of concept regarding real-time support for FM.

关键词: information flow management     BIM     mixed reality     common data environment     facility management    

Research on the Giant and Complex Financial Information System Engineering Management from the Perspectiveof Meta-synthesis Methodology—with the Bank Card Information Exchange System Engineering as a Sample

Hong-feng Chai,Quan Sun

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2016年 第3卷 第4期   页码 404-413 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2016037

摘要: The paper empirically studies the engineering practices of the national currency circulation information system-China Union Pay’s Bankcard Information Exchange System. By integrating the meta-synthesis methodology and the financial information system engineering, the paper proposes basic principles and processes of the giant and complex financial information system engineering management, and further explores its paradigm and toolkit.

关键词: financial information system     meta-synthesis methodology     bank card     information exchange    

Trends of environmental accidents and impact factors in China

Pengli XUE, Weihua ZENG

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2011年 第5卷 第2期   页码 266-276 doi: 10.1007/s11783-010-0267-1

摘要: An overview of the spatial and temporal variations of the environmental accidents in China in recent years was presented in this paper using available data. The results showed that the frequency of pollution accidents was significantly decreased, from 3462 in 1990 to 462 in 2007. The water and air pollution accidents were found to be the dominant types, accounting for more than 80% of the total accidents. Considering the classification of environmental accidents at 4 scales, the general environmental accident, i.e., the least serious type, was the most frequent event, taking up 58.98% of the total pollution accidents. In addition, the distribution of environmental accidents was generally in accordance with the industrial layout in the country during the past decade. It is very important to note that the extraordinarily severe environmental accidents showed an increasing trend in underdeveloped regions, which was caused by the transfer and the development of heavy polluted industry in these areas. As to the losses of environmental accidents, the casualties presented an obvious reduction tendency, while the direct economic loss per accident tended to climb up. Furthermore, some key factors that affect the spatial and temporal tendencies of environmental accidents in China were discussed and some suggestions were put forward, hoping to shed light on environmental risk management and emergency plans making associated with environmental accidents in China.

关键词: environmental accidents     spatial and temporal trends     environmental risk    

Why does environmental compliance cost more than penalty?—A legal analysis on environmental acts of enterprises in China

DONG Hongwei

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2007年 第1卷 第4期   页码 434-442 doi: 10.1007/s11783-007-0069-2

摘要: In the environmental protection field of China, due to lower law-breaking cost but higher law-abiding cost , it is a common case that the enterprise chooses to break through the law on purpose. The punishment to the unlawful pr

关键词: law-abiding     punishment     environmental protection     law-breaking     enterprise    

Analysis of the current situation of environmental policy of China and establishment of distributed environmental

Chaoyang FU,Wangfeng LI

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第9卷 第2期   页码 310-316 doi: 10.1007/s11783-014-0658-9

摘要: In this study, China’s current macro-environmental policies as well as their implementation and management tools are analyzed. By using the basic economic methodology, detailed studies are conducted focusing on the implementation effect of contemporary China’s typical environmental policy of the total pollutant discharge quantity control type, and also the two types of environmental management tools are compared from the perspective of implementation costs and policy uncertainty. By introduction of distributed management tools into the implementation of environmental policies, market-oriented means and the methods of economic analysis are introduced into environmental policy decision-making mechanisms, which could afford a new method for changing the current relatively low efficiency of environmental policy, solving the problem of “government failure” in environmental policy implementation, and providing a new way to make environmental policy system more flexible and more efficient. It is of great practical significance to solve China's current structural, complex and accumulative environmental problems.

关键词: environmental policy     distributed environment policy     distributed parameter model     lumped parameter model    

Reducing environmental impacts through socioeconomic transitions: critical review and prospects

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第2期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-023-1624-1


● Reducing environmental impacts through socioeconomic structural transitions.

关键词: Environmental pressures     Environmental impacts     Nexus     Supply chains     Trade     Coupled systems    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Relationship between Chief Executive Officer characteristics and corporate environmental informationdisclosure in Thailand

Dayuan LI, Aiqi LIN, Lu ZHANG


Overview of research on carbon information disclosure

Yue-Jun ZHANG, Jing-Yue LIU


Spatial distribution of ecological security status assessment of West-Liaohe River based on geographic information

WANG Geng, WU Wei





曹宏斌, 李爱民, 赵赫, 李庭刚, 张笛, 朱利中



黄文柯, 胡明伟


“互联网 +”智慧环保技术发展研究

刘锐, 刘文清, 谢涛, 杨婧文, 席春秀, 姚逸斐, 韦维


环境信息系统——为水管理数字化(Water 4.0)铺平道路

Olaf Kolditz, Karsten Rink, Erik Nixdorf, Thomas Fischer, Lars Bilke, Dmitri Naumov, Zhenliang Liao, Tianxiang Yue


An overview of the environmental finance policies in China: retrofitting an integrated mechanism forenvironmental management

LI Wei,HU Mengze


Framework based on building information modeling, mixed reality, and a cloud platform to support information

Berardo NATICCHIA, Alessandra CORNELI, Alessandro CARBONARI


Research on the Giant and Complex Financial Information System Engineering Management from the Perspectiveof Meta-synthesis Methodology—with the Bank Card Information Exchange System Engineering as a Sample

Hong-feng Chai,Quan Sun


Trends of environmental accidents and impact factors in China

Pengli XUE, Weihua ZENG


Why does environmental compliance cost more than penalty?—A legal analysis on environmental acts of enterprises in China

DONG Hongwei


Analysis of the current situation of environmental policy of China and establishment of distributed environmental

Chaoyang FU,Wangfeng LI


Reducing environmental impacts through socioeconomic transitions: critical review and prospects
